Quality education is at the heart of Switzerland’s long term strategy to ensure political and social stability, economic growth and wealth standards as well as innovation. While some countries engage in outright warfare to acquire resources and maintain their power base, Switzerland considers research and knowledge as its biggest tool to counter scarcity and accomplish true power. Naturally, Swiss institutions are at the forefront of carrying out the set agenda to foster innovation, research and business astuteness. Consequently, Swiss institutions are largely publicly funded with investment in education and research among the highest in the OECD countries. As a result, Switzerland is one of the countries with a very high number of registered patents and also an illustrious per capita rate of Noble Prizes won. A place symbolic of Switzerland’s true power on our globe is CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research where scientists and engineers delve into the fundamental laws and structure of our universe. Due to these and more reasons, more and more students are opting to study abroad in Switzerland.